King Tutankhamen's Dagger Is Made from a Meteorite
Found by British Archaeologist and Egyptologist Howard Carter revealed an ancient workings by one of Egypt's most beloved kings. Unexpectedly this blade had been found buried with King Tutankhamen as a special weapon forged of meteorite travelling throughout space during an earlier period with-in our solar system.
Discovered in 1925, the Tutankhamen's dagger has been confirmed to be made of a specific meteoric iron variety of metal. Recent studies along with other findings show that the early Egyptian's had placed special attention to mastering craftsmanship with many mix's and types of meteoric metals for making precious objects.
As a product of precision craftsmanship, this unique dagger tells a story of the level of mastery of craft and level of skill possessed by early iron workers in Egypt. When comparing the King's blade to other objects found from similar periods show that Tutankhamen's blade is truly one of a kind. The dagger was found wrapped inside a sheath alongside in his tomb. All items date back to14th century B.C. This beautifully designed blade features an intricately detailed golden handle and covers by a golden sheath.

Over the years scientists and archaeologists have studied many of these kinds of daggers; alongside other ancient artifacts crafted by early era Egyptians and noticed many rarities about this item. The precision in detailing and design of the King's dagger is one of a kind. While many Egyptian artifacts are found to be made of iron, most are not as fine and lesser quality crafts seem are found quite commonly. Egyptian's highly used meteorite metals made by the birth of our stars and solar systems, at the time in history smelted iron was very hard to find.
In the past archaeologists and scientists have claimed this dagger and many similar ancient iron artifacts were made of meteorite materials due to the rarity and variety of smelted irons found. Egyptian citizen's of that time were aware of the values of exotic metal and ore mix's used in many ancient precious metal creations. King Tutankhamen’s tomb was found in 1922 under the supervision of the British Archaeologist and Egyptologist, Howard Carter.